Sustainability in Business

What every manager or business leader should know

You've seen and heard all the latest buzz around sustainability and you get it

ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and sustainability is an urgent focus for many businesses and organizations, either through their own leadership, investors, board or customers and clients, it is clear that ESG is an essential component to both growth and risk mitigation.
Many businesses have a heightened focus on ESG and recognize how pertinent it is for their future success to implement ESG into their daily practices. A recent research report found that 3 out of 4 of small to mid-cap companies have a formal ESG statement.

The Introduction to Sustainability course is designed to introduce the framework and principles of ESG and demonstrate how best to identify opportunities to incorporate them into practice for business governance and growth.

Students will be introduced to the core principles of practical sustainability and key concepts including the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (UN SDG). From there, building on a cumulative knowledge base, students will learn to develop their own methodologies and develop the processes to set new goals and strategies and take the basic principles of ESG back to their own companies and organizations to build into everyday practice.  

Rethinking What Matters

Not just words

Climate change consequences are being felt around the world. Stakeholders are demanding transparency around climate policies and over 60% of employees want to work for companies with effective environmental policies. Without leaders stepping up to implement effective strategies for long term value considering Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors, the effects of climate change will continue increasing in severity causing permanent and irreversible effects.
Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Lead your business to resilience

Take action

This course will provide you with the tools to understand the global evolution of sustainability. By rethinking what matters most to your business, you’ll start a sustainability journey that maximizes your positive impact while minimizing your negative externalities. This course brings together knowledge from experts across the globe to simplify sustainability into the practical steps needed for those who will lead the next wave of transformation. AMNIe’s unique solution will provide you with the clarity to get started on your sustainability journey in a way that makes sense for you - launching you towards building a resilient, future-proof business.

How will you learn?

Curated content to provide value to your students.

  • Video Lectures

    Pre-recorded informational videos hosted by industry experts. Learn from those leading business forward.

  • Interactive Assignments

    Complete activities throughout the course to evaluate sustainability within your business.

  • Bonus material

    Hand-picked bonus materials to supplement knowledge gained throughout the course.

After this course you'll be able to...

You will get immediate access to video lessons, support, and feedback, and an online community of other leaders who want to grow and collaborate to create a better future for all

  • Stand out confidently

    Be confident that you know what matters most to your business and you are up to date on the evolving landscape of sustainability.

  • Connect with a network of like-minded business professionals

    Gain access to a network of people who will encourage and uplift you as you lead your business to success

  • Make a positive impact

    Know that your business is creating value for the people it serves, including employees, customers, capital partners, etc.

  • Increase business resilience

    Grow your business sustainably by having the tools to bounce back from challenges

  • Earn a competitive advantage

    Stay ahead of competitors and changing regulations, policies and disclosures

  • Future proof your company

    Be your own sustainability expert to prepare your business for the effects of climate change

Meet your Lead Instructor

Irina Scarlete is the Chief Executive and Ethos Officer at, an advisory firm focused on holistic ESG integration and training. Irina works primarily with organizations looking to adopt the latest thinking as they develop and implement comprehensive strategies for growth, risk and performance management. Irina also manages the AMNIe network of global experts to deploy niche skills for addressing sustainability issues ranging from climate risk exposure to supply chain decarbonization, waste reduction strategy, Net Zero planning and offsets, ESG and climate risk disclosures, portfolio ESG strategy, and more. She holds the FSA Credential and the Global ESG Competent Boards Designation (GCB.D).

Irina Scarlete

CEO AMNIe International

Other Instructor

Dr. Justin Bull teaches extensively on sustainability, innovation and strategy, with a focus on graduate and executive learners. He earned a BA in International Relations (2005) and a PhD in Wood Science (2015) from the University of British Columbia. His doctoral work focused on measuring and comparing the environmental performance of paper and digital value chains in global media markets. In addition to his academic commitments, Justin is a mentor-scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab Climate stream. With a focus on companies that are developing solutions to the climate crisis, he helps early-stage founders identify market opportunities and position themselves for future fundraising rounds.

Justin Bull

Leader - UBC Sauder Business School Sustainability & Ethics Group

Social proof: testimonials

“There is a significant gap between our commitments and actions, and there is a significant gap between senior executives and people on the ground doing the operational work. That is why there is a need for critical thinking and embedding ESG throughout the entirety of organizations. A core component of that is having people within organizations develop the courage and purposeful leadership to ask those questions and flag any issues as they emerge.”

Director of Keyah Consulting

Dr. Sophie Taysom

“Generally, people are trying to do what they think is right. Sometimes for the wrong reasons. In some instances, rather than having decisions grounded in one's own ethics and principles of the business, they may be engaging in green washing to attract more customers and investors. This could be done knowingly, or ignorantly and as a result, when it comes to sustainability, they're getting it wrong. This is why AMNIe strives to equip executives to power positive change via knowledge of holistic sustainability integration and purposeful leadership”

Founder and Managing Director - ESG Treasury

Adrian Sargent

“If we don’t have a planet, a stable society we don’t have a stable financial system. It took me two years, my constant reflection is how could we bring people to this awakening faster model from systems thinking is on my mind. How could we affect the level of beliefs? As you influence the deep level of beliefs. Small changes in beliefs can make big changes everywhere else.”

Founder and CEO - Education for Sustainability (ED4S)

Maria Maisuradze


  • I have no experience with sustainability or ESG's. Can I take this course without any prior knowledege?

    Yes! This is a perfect place to start. AMNIe's Introduction to Sustainability course will get you up and running on these topics by laying a foundation for further learning.

  • How long will the coures take to complete?

    We estimate that this introductory course can be completed in 2 - 3 hours depending on engagement with optional materials.

  • Can I work on my own time?

    The course is self-paced to fit with your schedule. Learn whenever works best for you!


  • Hybrid Learning

    Learn at your pace online and connect with you online learning community to exchange learnings and create a network of collaborators

  • Tools and Templates

    Receive templates and access to resources so that you can put learning into practice immediately

  • Office Hours

    Along with other leaners, access online weekly office hours to ask questions to an ESG professional

What are you waiting for?

Get started now